Greeting Everyone,
You are about to enter the most critical phase of your life.
I will be reintroducing you to my book "Our Mysterious Behavior Box" for you to get a glimpse of why you and others do the this you do.
I will have a bi-monthly video explaining some of the facts about you and why you should make a change.
Things you will need:
I have the first two digital copies of my book by clicking on this link It’s FREE.
If you want a personally endorsed copy of my book, click this link : store_1
You can also purchase a copy of my book by clicking on this link or go to Amazon by click on this link
When you go to the Amazon website, make sure to choose my book title, "Our Mysterious Behavior Box" by author Andrea L. Chapman, for $15.99, or "Secret Spiritual Behavior Mysteries" by author Andrea L. Chapman, for $18.00.
Could you bring a pen and paper for notes?